Monday, August 11, 2008

Get 'er dun!

"Get er dun", that redneck colloquialism, meaning the same as Nike's "just do it" has me frazzled. I am a get it done kind of girl normally. Lately however, i can't seem to get anything done and it's driving me nuts.
How do you get it all done when you don't have the money, equipment, supplies or energy?
How do you pay the taxes and all your regular bills and all the medical bills and all the old bills from when you were young and stupid?
How do you sucessfully work,teach,parent, be married, volunteer, clean, cook, be a good friend, and all the other things that one woman has to do in a day?
Am i the only one who ever finds themselves ready to hide, or scream?


Bobby and Jennifer said...

It seems that you and I are not the only ones who feel this way. Many of my friends are feeling the pressure. My house is never clean, we never "finish" all of our days school lessons and the farm?? Please........ seems like if we get a moment to work on the farm, something has to be fixed, repaired or replaced before we can move forward. "Get'er dun" I'M TRYING TO! (grin)

TheWritingMommy-Unmasked said...

Hallelujah Jennifer! I'm happy to see i'm not the only one! Maybe it's okay that we can't get it all done? I mean, we're still here, so we may as well have more to do. Right? haha