Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Have you ever gotten so busy that you forgot to eat? I have and it really felt good to be in that "zone". I felt productive and purposeful. Unfortunately, too many days like that leave your body weak, your mind "fuzzy", and your patience thin resulting in less productivity overall.

The bible warns us not to "grow weary in well doing, for in due season, if [we] faint not, [we] will reap a reward". In order for our body not to grow weary we have to nourish it with food, so it is with your spirit. Spiritual food is time spent with God; in prayer, in bible reading, in meditation on His Word, in devotions. However you best connect with God, it is important to your overall health, productivity and well-being to do it some every day.

Years ago my husband swore that he was closest to God on the lake. I would get so upset with him when he would head out to the lake on Sunday mornings instead of going to church with me, but for him, the lake was "church". The stillness in the early morning and God's creation surrounding him was peaceful and to Tommy, peace was equated with God. I didn't understand it but i prayed hard that God would shut my mouth and open my heart. Finally, after many years, my husband goes to church with me most Sunday mornings. But he still visits God in his own way too. That is his spiritual food.

For me, it is waking early, before the house is full of the "busy-ness" of two preteen girls and homeschooling and ministry obligations and such. It is reading God's Word then "writing it out" to digest it. I talk to God all day long in one form or another, but it isn't the same as sitting down purposefully and spending time with Him. I think the purposeful part is what honors God and nourishes my soul and my spirit.

So, how do you nourish your spirit? I ask because sometimes we forget to "eat" in the hustle and bustle of our days, even those days spent doing "God's work". In order to not grow weary in well doing, we have to use wisdom and nourish ourselves, body, mind and spirit.

Peace -

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