Thursday, October 14, 2010

been a long time....

I haven't posted to this blog in a while. The busy-ness of life seems to overtake me sometimes and I just have to step back and re-evaluate what is most important, and sometimes, i step back and fall right into the bed and put my head waaaaaaaaaaay underneath the covers and hide for a while.
I think if we were honest, we all do sometimes, and that is okay. It has to be okay because we all need a "time-out" sometimes.

The key, is not to take too many, or take them for too long at a time. The Jewish community has the right idea, of course it came from the Chief Designer of all people when He said " remember the Sabbath and keep it holy". You know, it's number four of the Big 10. God knew we would need time to rest and recoup. Somewhere along the way we got a little too big for our collective britches i think when we decided that we didn't really need to take a day off each week. And now, we have stress disorders, burn out, and all sorts of fatigue related ailments. I guess we have proven once again that God knows what He is talking about and following His instructions, also known as The Bible, is a good idea.

But, in that same Word, He also says that we should work so i'd better get back to it.

Until next time,


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