Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Getting Social

For the past year I have been working hard to build my writing portfolio beyond the comfortable and into the profitable. Over these past months I have learned this one lesson above all others: the more I learn about social networking, the less I feel I know!

I have learned that Word Press is another name for FRUSTRATING!, and that designing a website is way harder than it looks no matter how "user friendly" the "anyone can do it" advertising says it is.

I have also learned that it is okay, even imperative at times to ask questions. And I have learned that I despite all my fears and frustrations, I am capable of so much more than I thought.

"I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength" has become my mantra on some days. Knowing I don't have to "go it alone" makes all the difference.

I'm thankful for all the lessons this year. I made some writing goals in January and to my great delight and the cheers of faithful friends, family, and fans, I have met them, and even exceeded some.

So, while this whole "social networking" thing is still confusing to me sometimes (I am sooooo happy that I don't have a web cam!!), I know I will eventually figure it out. Maybe that will be next year's goal?

Until next time,


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