Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Dream Come True!

Well, it finally happened, my dream of having a published novel is coming true.

My novel One Perfect Now is finally available in print and online.

I have always wanted to be an author, since I was a small child. I would write poems and stories and such; I was always scribbling away in a corner.

This isn't my first novel of course, just the first to be published. There were others whose character's lives were given in experimental settings and plots only to waste away in files and draws and boxes under beds. There were many unfinished stories as well that I poured over for months only to move on to other stories, or the laundry or meal preparations.

And then I heard of NaNoWriMo, otherwise known as National Novel Writing Month. I had heard of it before but last year, in 2012, I took the challenge and One Perfect Now is the result.

I felt inspired and I believe that this was the easiest 50k words I ever wrote or considered writing. Actually, it was the first time I had written fifty thousand consecutive words ever on one story. I felt inspired, anointed, blessed, and on November 30, 2012 at 9:59am I finished the last word, just a little over fifty-one thousand.

I put it away for a month so that I could get some distance, perspective, and so that I could prepare for Christmas with the family. Then in January I read, revised, edited, and critiqued the words I had written. I was excited to find that it was actually a pretty good story. I sent it to others to be critiqued and edited. After further revisions, I sent it to a proof reader and self-proclaimed "grammar Nazi" who gave her suggestions and after a final revision, I began the publishing process on Createspace.com

I do not like the publishing and marketing process of writing nearly so much as I like the writing part. I do however love the being a published author part. That part rocks!

One Perfect Now preview  is available here, please do come check it out.

So, that's my publishing story, for this book anyway. There is another one book hot on the heels of this one though and that story will be altogether different.

No matter how old you are, how long you've been waiting, or who has tried to talk you out of it, if you feel that God has called you to do something, if you have a passionate desire and dream that has yet to come true, keep working at it, searching, trying- keep on dreaming y'all cause I'm here to tell you, dreams do come true and when they do, it totally rocks!

Till next time,
Peace and love from

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