Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hab 2:1-4 While standing guard on the watchtower, I waited for the LORD's answer, before explaining the reason for my complaint.

Then the LORD told me: "I will give you my message in the form of a vision. Write it clearly enough to be read at a glance.

At the time I have decided, my words will come true. You can trust what I say about the future. It may take a long time, but keep on waiting-- it will happen! "I, the LORD, refuse to accept anyone who is proud. Only those who live by faith are acceptable to me."


I love this verse. Maybe because I am a writer and the prophet speaks of God telling him to write something and make it plain. I think more likely though, I love this verse because it shares that our God, creator of heaven and earth, cares enough for His people to have someone write the vision He gives and even instructs the writer to "make it plain", not big words that no one understands, or pretty words that are so obscure the meaning isn't clear.


Statistically, over 90% of those who write their goals achieve them. It stands to reason, those who write their vision will be more likely to live it. I want to live my vision, a vision I believe God has given me. Frankly, I think most "visions", or ideals that we can't shake and have burning desires for are from God. Of course if they are from God they will line up with Scripture or at least not be contentious of Scripture.


So, in the spirit of the verse I have quoted, I will write the vision and make it plain, well, as plain as I'm capable of making it.


My vision is to inspire and empower by providing words of encouragement, and hope. To create and propagate life enhancing and Spirit filled books and articles, essays and journals. To help people find their way back to the loving God who created them, to find their passions and dreams and to help them know they can live abundantly in Christ.


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