Thursday, April 15, 2010

Letter to President Obama regarding National Day of Prayer Cancellation

Dear Mr. President,

I would like to voice my opinion about a few things Mr. President.

First, The National Day of Prayer wasn't hurting anyone. There was no mandate to pray on this day, it just gave our nation a day of dedicated prayer regardless of what god you chose to pray to. Our country was began by those seeking freedom from religious persecution, not freedom from religion. If athiests don't want to pray , then they don't have to but there is no reason the rest of us shouldn't be able to worship.

Secondly, please stop apologizing for our country. It makes us look ridiculous to the rest of the world and you are representing our country but not most of the people in it. We Americans for the most part would agree that our country isn't perfect, but we are far from ashamed.

Lastly, for now, i disagree wholeheartedly with this new health care bill that your administration passed without the support of the people you are supposedly helping. This is just an in road to socialism. I don't want to live in a socialist country and if i did i would move to one. If there are those in our country who wish to live in a socialist country, then perhaps they should move to a place that already supports that system.

I hope you know that my friends and i pray for you even though we don't agree with you. I respect the office of president and i hope that i can continue to do so.



andora henson

wife,mom,teacher,christian, American, and VOTER.

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