Saturday, July 12, 2008

a conclusion and a lesson

Today I jumped to a conclusion, and learned a lesson.

I was looking for some gum that I had bought and put in my purse. It wasn’t there. I looked all over; in my purse, in the car, on my desk. I couldn’t find it anywhere. So I jumped to the conclusion that one of the kids took it from my purse. It was logical; they love gum, the gum was gone, so they must have taken it. So, I asked them. They all denied it. I spent hours being upset with my kids for not telling me who took the gum. I was hurt more than anything; hurt that they would steal from me.

Later, I was looking for something else, and low and behold I found the gum. I felt lower than an ant’s belly. How could I have accused my children? I called my them right away and apologized and asked their forgiveness. Of course, they gave it without malice because they are great kids.

I asked for God’s forgiveness as I drove to the grocery store. My pride was hurt and as I parked the car I tasted the humble pie I’d just eaten. Then a question hit my heart like an arrow piercing a bulls-eye: when we don't tithe does God feel the same hurt that I had earlier?

I mean, God is our Father, and while He doesn’t need the money, it is all His. I didn’t need the gum, but I was hurt when I thought my children had stolen from me. The bible says that when we don’t tithe we are robbing God, so He must feel hurt by our continued stealing from him when we don’t tithe the whole tithe.

Ouch. I asked God's forgiveness, and He gave it. He gave it because of The Blood and because He is a perfect God and a perfect Father.

I know i'll never be a perfect mother, and i know i'll never be a perfect Christian. I'm so very thankful that in my imperfection my children and my God will always love me and forgive me. I pray that one day i will be as forgiving and loving as them. I pray that one day i will deserve such love. Until them i will continue to learn and grow and thank God for the love, the forgiveness, and the lessons.

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