Sunday, July 6, 2008

Cleaning House

Today i decluttered. For hours my girls and i threw out things from our homeschooling closet, from our craft closet, and from the stack of books and papers we just had to save from last "semester". There is still a lot left and I'm left wondering, "how do we get so much stuff and why do we insist on keeping it all?" My girls are much bigger pack-rats than i am. I admit i used to be one but after my mom died, and we had to go through all of her years of clutter, i re-evaluated everything i was storing. I guess in the six plus years since then i had forgotten the agony of that chore because i found that i was holding on to some pretty strange things. There were pens from our cruise, scratch paper in all shapes, sizes and colors, telephone numbers from friends that i haven't seen or called in over five years, and the list goes on and on. Why? Did i simply toss these things aside and forget to weed them out over the years? Had i stuffed them in these nooks and never looked back? Why did i keep the telephone numbers and not the friends? How many things and people do we toss carelessly aside and simply forget to remember them? It made me a little sad after i had cleaned the de-clutter mess and reminded me of the people i need to call.
Now, where did i put that number?

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