Saturday, May 31, 2008

What is this world coming to?

I went to my nephew's high school graduation on friday evening. At this graduation ceremony i heard more scripture than i have heard lately, including church. imagine, a public high school having speeches that amounted to sermons at a graduation ceremony, and i say BRAVO!!!!! what a courageous group of young people to buck a system that tries to tell them they can't include something as integral to their personhood as their religion in a ceremony as important as their graduation. these young people were eloquent, well spoken and well read, using quotes from the bible, historical figures and noted authors, and unashamedly worshipped God in their speeches. Their parents deserve compliments for a job well done and even thanks from a society who will be the recipients of their leadership and contributions. So, what is the world coming to? i don't know, but i know how "The Book" ends. In the mean time, i'm thankful that there are still young men and women willing to share their faith with conviction and strength. May God bless and keep them and give them bright futures.

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