Friday, May 20, 2016

Day 3- 30 Day Writing Challenge- Pet Peeves

Day 3- 30 Day Writing Challenge
What are your top 3 pet peeves?

What are my top three pet peeves? Sadly, I am easily annoyed. It is one of the besetting sins that I deal with and can’t seem to get completely free from.  Still, I can easily pick the three things that annoy me easier than anything else; being lied to, laziness, and blatant rudeness.
Everyone is guilty of the “little white lie”, like “I’m fine” when you feel like crap or “No, I didn’t want any more, you take the last piece” when you’re at a church picnic. We all occasionally tell people they look okay when what you really mean is “don’t you own a mirror?”   What I hate more than anything else is someone being deceitful, especially if it is someone I love or who claims to love me. When my children lied growing up, that and unbridled rebellion would get them in worse trouble than the thing they were lying about, and I always found out the truth.  In my opinion, a lie changes the relationship altogether because where there is no trust, there is no real intimacy.
Laziness is another thing that sets my teeth on edge. I have always been of the mind that if you have to do something, you may as well get it done. Perhaps this is because I am the oldest and always seemed to be responsible for the other children, the general housekeeping, and sometimes even the meals and I knew that if it wasn’t done there would be help to pay if it wasn’t done. It might also be because I have been so ill I couldn’t do anything other than lie in bed and I felt so useless. It irks me when I see someone who is able bodied refusing to get all they can out of life or at least do what they can in life.
Blatant rudeness is the least of my top three because rudeness is sometimes in the eye of the beholder.  My youngest child for example has a weird sense of humor and frankly many people just don’t get it. Often her wit is received as rudeness but I know she is trying to be funny and nothing more. I have cautioned her that she has to be careful but she thinks I’m just an old sour puss. Still, there are some people whose rudeness is unmistakable and pointed like a sword. For instance; young people who make fun of the elderly simply because they are older and slower or people who go out of their way to reveal someone else’s weakness or faults, especially publicly.
As I said, there are a great many things that annoy me and I have worked to bring this number down considerably over the years. I’m made progress, but I’m still so far from “chill” that I find that I’m often annoyed with myself. Hmmmm.

So, there is Day 3 my peeps. I hope you have been considering your own 30 day writing challenge, but if that is too big a bite to take, how about a 7 day writing challenge? How about an every Saturday writing challenge? Anything to get the juices flowing is a start. Happy writing y’all; I’d love to see what you write and love to hear what you think about mine. 

Till next time, Peace.

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