Monday, May 23, 2016

Day 5 and 6- Sorry for missing yesterday folks.

Day 5 and 6 because I missed a day L
List 5 places you want to visit and 3 ways to win your heart.

5 places I would like to visit are The Holy Land of Israel, Greece, The Redwood Forest, New York, and The Smithsonian. All of these places are ones that I’ve always wanted to go since I was a young person. I’m not a history buff but the idea of walking where my Savior and Lord walked inspires me. The idea of seeing the Parthenon and the Coliseum makes me feel a connection to the past that helped form our world. Of course visiting the American landmarks has the same strength to me; to be in a place that people have walked for years and to see the amazing things that man has created makes me hopeful that we can and will become great again.

Three ways to win my heart, oh my, I’m not sure if my heart is winnable some days. Today, I feel very sad so this is a hard topic for me but I think to tell me the truth, to treat me with respect, and to be kind to others is the best way to win my heart. Today you wouldn’t want it; it feels broken.

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